6 March 2025

Masters Centre Secretaries / Contacts and Life Members

AGM and Related Notifications from NZ Masters Athletics

The Annual General Meeting of the NZ Masters Athletics will be held online on Sunday 22 June 2025 beginning at 2pm.

The reasons for this change. Firstly, we failed to promote the AGM 90 days out from the NZMA Championships. Historical we get a limited number of attendees at the AGM. The Board believes there are some significant issues that ALL Masters need to have an opportunity to contribute to the discussions and debates. This is better achieved via a TEAMS meeting.

These issues include the following:

  1. Consideration of a new Constitution, which is currently a ‘work in progress’. Is this the best way forward or is there another preferred option?
  2. The decline in non-club NZMA members and the potential challenge this creates regarding forming Regional Master’s Committees.
  3. The challenge in finding a host for the 2026 NZMA T&F Championships.  Where and when is this to occur. Working with Athletics NZ to ensure this happens.
  4. We have a request from OMA re: hosting the 2027 OMA T&F Championships in NZ. Is there a Centre interested?
  5. The make-up and purpose of the Board. Ensuring we have the right people involved.

A Teams link will be sent a week prior to this date for those who register their attendance. Each Centre is entitled to have 2 delegates at the AGM. Please ensure that the names and email addresses of delegates and any other members who wish to attend the AGM are notified to the Acting NZMA Secretary Derek Shaw by 7 June 2025 at

Centre Secretaries are also invited to submit any remits and /or points of discussion they wish to see on the agenda for the AGM to Derek Shaw by 27 April 2025. Thanks to those centres who have done this.

Centre Secretaries are invited to submit nominations for the NZMA Board, supported by a brief statement of their suitability, relevant skills and experience. These shall be in writing and reach Derek Shaw by 25 May 2025

Guidance from the NZMA Board for nominations to the Board

Several long serving Board members wish to step down from the Board in the near future but they are prepared in the short term to assist new members to understand what is required to ensure the organisations key roles and activities are undertaken. Other Board members have substantial family, work and other commitments and are limited in the time they are able to devote to Board duties and running of the organisation.

With the above in mind, the Board believes that the following range of skills, expertise and experience are needed on the Board:

  • Accountancy knowledge and preparation of financial reports
  • Secretarial duties, such as preparing Board minutes and formal notifications, responding to correspondence etc
  • Computer software (such as databases), website building and posting material on website
  • Writing and editing reports and articles – for Vetline, website and social media
  • Desktop publishing experience – to format Vetline
  • Governance experience
  • Leadership in sports organisations or other sectors

If you have any questions about the AGM, Board roles etc, please contact President Andrew Stark (, 027 305 3403) or myself.

Yours sincerely

Derek Shaw

Acting Secretary

027 548 7537

2. Minutes of the NZMZ AGM held 16th February 2024 (CLICK HERE)
3. NZMA President’s Report (CLICK HERE)
4. NZMA Secretary’s Report (verbal on the day)
5. NZMA 2023 – 2024 Accounts (CLICK HERE)
6. CENTRE REPORTS as at March 2025

JOIN the NZMA AGM using MICROSOFT TEAMS. No need to download the app if you do not it, but you will need a device with sound access and video (turn this off as it improve the quality)

CLICK HERE to join the AGM – 12:00 noon Friday 28th March 2025

If your Centre is not sending a representative in person, but will be attending via this link, please let me know ASAP.

NOTICE of the 49th Annual General Meeting
of New Zealand Masters Athletics
Friday 16th February 2024 @ 12:00 noon
Function Room, Nga Puna Wai Sports Hub, Christchurch

2. Minutes of the NZMZ AGM held 2nd December 2022 (CLICK HERE)
3. NZMA President’s Report (CLICK HERE)
4. NZMA Secretary’s Report (verbal on the day)
5. NZMA 2022 – 2023 Accounts (CLICK HERE)
6. CENTRE REPORTS as at 13th February 2024

JOIN the NZMA AGM using MICROSOFT TEAMS. No need to download the app if you do not it, but you will need a device with sound access and video (turn this off as it improve the quality)

CLICK HERE to join the AGM – 12:00 noon Friday 16th February 2024

If your Centre is not sending a representative in person, but will be attending via this link, please let me know ASAP.

1. Notification of when Vetline will be published (Otago)
2. Master’s Centre access to contact details of ALL masters within their region. (Otago)

BOARD NOMINATIONS: Nomination for the Board close at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 30th January 2024.
All nominations MUST be accompanied with a short CV detailing the skills that the nominee brings to the Board. These will be posted here, once received.

In accordance with the NZMA Constitution (amended 2020) nominations were sought for the NZMA Board. The Board will now be elected at large and the roles within the Board shall be determined by the Board following the election. The Board shall consist of no more than eight members.
Current NZMA Board Members – All Board members have agreed to restand.
1. Andrew Stark (Nominated by AKL, TAS, NTH, MWA)
2. Derek Shaw (Nominated by CAN, AKL, NTH, MWA)
3. Ian Carter (Nominated by (CAN, TAS, MWA, NTH)
4. Brayden Grant (Nominated by AKL, CAN, TAS, NTH)
5. Hayden Robinson (Nominated by AKL, CAN, TAS, NTH)
6. Carolyn Smith (Nominated by AKL, CAN, TAS, MWA)
7. Anna Lynch (Supportive role re: accounts now in Xero)
8. Dale McMillan (Nominated by MWA) CLICK to view CV.

SERVICE & MERIT AWARDS: Nominations for Service Awards (10 years) and Merit Awards (20 years) are to be submitted by 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 6th February 2024.
CLICK HERE for an Awards nomination form.

All correspondence can be e-mailed to Andrew Stark ( or posted to 12 Highcrest Heights, Westmorland, Christchurch 8025.

Due to Covid 19 and the reduced competition opportunities in 2022, we have combined the 2022 and 2023 awards. We have endeavoured to compile a list of potential performances for the various Athlete of the Year Awards, but if you think you performed well, please submit a nomination form. More information can be found NZMA Awards page.

NOTICE of the 48th Annual General Meeting
of New Zealand Masters Athletics
Friday 2nd December 2022 @ 12:00 noon
Function Room, Newtown Park, Wellington

On 22nd May 2022 we held a Special AGM via Zoom. At this meeting various issues were discussed, the Board members were elected and the annual 2020-2021 accounts were approved.

The March 2022 NZMA Track & Field Championships were not held due to Coivd 19 and are now being held from 2nd to 4th December 2022. There will be no NZMA Track & Field Championships held in February / March 2023. Therefore we will hold the 2023 NZMA AGM in December 2022 and this include Board elections and presenting the 2021-2022 accounts for approval.

1. Minutes of the SPECIAL AGM held 22nd May 2022 (CLICK HERE)
2. NZMA President’s Report (CLICK HERE)
3. NZMA Secretary’s Report (verbal on the day)
3. NZMA 2021 – 2022 Accounts (CLICK HERE)

1. Constitution Issue (CLICK HERE)
2. Heats at NZMA Championships (CLICK HERE)
3. B Grade Walk Judging (CLICK HERE)
4. Future direction of NZMA. Update of the discussions with NZMA and the November survey results sent to 650 members. (SURVEY LINK – reply by Tuesday 30th – 11:45 p.m.) SURVEY RESULTS (30/11/22)
5. Oceania Masters update

BOARD NOMINATIONS: Nomination for the Board close at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 15th November 2022.
All nominations MUST be accompanied with a short CV detailing the skills that the nominee brings to the Board. These will be posted here, once received.

In accordance with the NZMA Constitution (amended 2020) nominations were sought for the NZMA Board. The Board will now be elected at large and the roles within the Board shall be determined by the Board following the election. The Board shall consist of no more than eight members.
Nominations Confirmed:
1. Andrew Stark
2. Derek Shaw
3. Ian Carter
4. Brayden Grant (CLICK to view CV)
5. Hayden Robinson (CLICK to view CV)
6. Carolyn Smith (CLICK to view CV)
7. Anna Lynch (Supportive role re: accounts now in Xero, Will coop onto Board)

SERVICE & MERIT AWARDS: Nominations for Service Awards (10 years) and Merit Awards (20 years) are to be submitted by 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 22nd November 2022.
CLICK HERE for an Awards nomination form.

All correspondence can be e-mailed to Andrew Stark ( or posted to 12 Highcrest Heights, Westmorland, Christchurch 8025.

ATHLETE of the YEAR AWARDS: During the past calendar year (01/01/2022 – 31/12/2022) we will endeavour to compile a list of potential performances for the various Athlete of the Year Awards.
Given this AGM is earlier than expected, our aim is to present the 2021 Awards at this year’s AGM. Currently no decision has been made as to when the 2022 Awards will be held. This will be discussion at the AGM.

Previously AGM information is listed below:

SPECIAL AGM Information
Held on SUNDAY 22nd May 2022 @ 2:00 p.m.

Below is a list of documents presented at the Special AGM.

The following nominations were received:
Ian Carter,
Brayden Grant,
Derek Shaw,
Andrew Stark,
Michael Wray.
Anna Lynch has been co-opted as Treasurer.
We are looking for additional Board members as part of our succession planning.

CLICK HERE to view the minutes of the NZMA AGM held on Friday 26th February 2021 – TET Stadium, Inglewood.

If you want to know what we have been up to, please read the previous NZMA BOARD Meeting Minutes.

This is your organisation and we need your help to keep it sustainable. I look forward to seeing via ZOOM.

Andrew Stark – NZMA President

The following information refers to PRE-AGM procedures and will be updated prior to the next AGM:

BOARD NOMINATIONS CLOSE: 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 11th January 2022. All nominations MUST be accompanied with a short CV detailing the skills that the nominee brings to the Board. These will be posted here, once received.

In accordance with the NZMA Constitution (amended 2020) nominations were sought for the NZMA Board. The Board will now be elected at large and the roles within the Board shall be determined by the Board following the election. The Board shall consist of no more than eight members.

REMITS & ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: Centre Secretaries are invited to submit remits or items for discussion by 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 11th January 2022.

SERVICE & MERIT AWARDS: Nominations for Service Awards (10 years) and Merit Awards (20 years) are to be submitted by 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 1st February 2022.

CLICK HERE for an Awards nomination form.

All correspondence can be e-mailed to Andrew Stark ( or posted to 12 Highcrest Heights, Westmorland, Christchurch 8025.

ATHLETE of the YEAR AWARDS: During the past calendar year (01/01/2021 – 31/12/2021) Michael Wray will endeavour to compile a list of potential performances for the various Athlete of the Year Awards.

However, to avoid anyone being overlooked, if you have a performance you would like considered, please contact Michael Wray ASAP. (

All submitted performances will need supporting evidence such as time, date, venue, performance and official results so it can be verified.

Athlete of the Year nominations close 31st January 2022.