Vetline Magazine

Vetline has gone digital!

The printing costs of Vetline have increased significantly over the past few years (CLICK HERE to view that article).

Following on from consultation with all NZMA members via an article in the October issue of Vetline, the NZMA Board made the decision to provide Vetline as a FREE PDF digital version as from January 2022.

A link to each issue will be sent to all masters who have entered a NZMA organised event during the past few years.  We will also request the Athletics NZ add a link to Vetline in one of their monthly online newsletters.

Current issue:

Vetline May 2024 (PDF Download)

Previous issues this year ….

Vetline January 2024 (PDF Download)

Vetline October 2023 (PDF download)

Vetline April / July 2023 (PDF download)

Vetline January 2023 (desktop/computer)

Vetline January 2023 (mobile/tablet)

Archived Vetline Issues – PDF versions